3D Scan & Photography Checklist

Please complete this checklist BEFORE the photographer arrives. Your 3D showing and online photos are your first private showing. Make that critical first impression a positive experience. Time to de-clutter, clean, de-clutter, puff, fluff, straighten and most importantly de-clutter. Garages, closets and pantries will not be photographed unless they are empty and are a feature to be marketed. Hide stuff there!

  • Replace burnt out bulbs. Lights on or off will be at photographer’s discretion.
  • Blinds UP and curtains OPEN. Light and bright beats dark and gloomy every
  • Turn OFF all ceiling fans.
  • Remove anything from the floor that does not belong on the floor.
  • Hide stacks of papers/mail/magazines. Kids toys in storage containers.
  • Clean windows and mirrors.
  • Remove pets, pet carriers, crates, pet dishes and visible litter boxes.


  • Remove all items from bathroom countertops – exceptions can be decorative items.
  • Towels hung straight and remove towels on pegs/hung over shower stalls.
  • Put the toilet seats DOWN!! Please!Empty the shower of shampoos, soaps, etc. – you can hide inside the tub.


  • Remove all items from counter tops, except decorative items and large appliances.
  • Remove everything from the outside of the refrigerator.
  • Pet dishes hidden away.
  • Remove all sponges & towels, even the one on the oven door.
  • Hide that trash can.


  • Remove all remote controls, cell phones, tablets and charger cords.
  • Remove all personal items from table tops, exceptions are decorative items.
  • Straighten pillows, throws, blankets and chairs.

Living and Dining Areas

  • Remove all items from tables/countertops – exceptions are lamps/decorative items.
  • Make Beds and straighten pillows. Nothing stored visible under the bed.
  • Hide trash cans and Diaper Genies!


  • Remove your car(s) from the driveway and from in front of the home.
  • Mow the lawn and mulch if necessary.
  • Remove all lawn equipment, debris, recycle and trash cans from sight.
  • Roll up your hoses and hide sprinkler attachments.

By using SimplyFSBO, Inc.’s services, you acknowledge that SimplyFSBO, Inc. is not a real estate brokerage. While its representatives may hold a real estate license, they do not enter into agency and/or fiduciary relationships with sellers advertising their home for sale by owner. It is important to understand that SimplyFSBO, Inc. functions solely as a marketing platform & coordination service, and does not provide real estate brokerage services.

By using SimplyFSBO, Inc.’s services, you acknowledge that SimplyFSBO, Inc. is not a real estate brokerage. While its representatives may hold a real estate license, they do not enter into agency and/or fiduciary relationships with sellers advertising their home for sale by owner. It is important to understand that SimplyFSBO, Inc. functions solely as a marketing platform & coordination service, and does not provide real estate brokerage services.